Keeneland Photograph Album Collection
Keeneland Photograph Album Collection
Photography of horse sports
Items in this collection were digitized from the Keeneland Photograph Album Collection. The collection, featuring print photographs of racing, track scenes, horses, and the people associated with Thoroughbred racing in the Keeneland locality, consists of 15 leather bound scrapbooks with handwritten descriptions for most of the print photographs. Although the photographers are not identified, many of the photographs were likely taken by Brownie Leach, H.C. Ashby, and Joel Clyne Meadors.
Seven of the albums (12”x 18”) span a 10-year range each from 1935 to 2005; one album (12”x 18”) is dedicated to Queen Elizabeth II’s visit to Keeneland in 1984; one album (10”x 13”) covers 1961; and six albums (18”x 30”) cover 1935 to 1940, 1944 to 1950, and 1951 to 1960.
Seven of the albums (12”x 18”) span a 10-year range each from 1935 to 2005; one album (12”x 18”) is dedicated to Queen Elizabeth II’s visit to Keeneland in 1984; one album (10”x 13”) covers 1961; and six albums (18”x 30”) cover 1935 to 1940, 1944 to 1950, and 1951 to 1960.
These digital resources may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the Keeneland Library. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.
Collection Items
Jockeys at Keeneland
This photograph, taken at Keeneland in October of 1936, features eight jockeys sitting on a bench against a stone fence and nine jockeys sitting on the fence above the seated jockeys.
This photograph features Challedon after winning the 1939 Tranter Purse at Keeneland.
Challedon was named American Champion Three-Year-Old Colt in 1939, and U.S. Horse of the Year in 1939 and 1940. He was retired to stud at Gallaher Farm in…
Challedon was named American Champion Three-Year-Old Colt in 1939, and U.S. Horse of the Year in 1939 and 1940. He was retired to stud at Gallaher Farm in…
E.L. Cotton, Alma Headley Haggin, Fred A. Smith, and Hal Price Headley
This photograph captures a 1967 trophy presentation at Keeneland. On the far left is Thoroughbred trainer, E.L. Cotton. Second from the left is Alma Headley Haggin, wife of former Keeneland President Louis Lee Haggin II.
Second from the right is…
Second from the right is…