Browse Exhibits (9 total)

Of Turf and Stone: Keeneland Through the Ages

Keeneland Library Collection-Clubhouse, apron, grandstand opening day 1936.jpg

For more than 100 years through 1933, Thoroughbred racing in Lexington took place at the Kentucky Association track near downtown. In the 1930s, a group of prominent Kentucky horsemen formed a committee to build a new racing plant. They settled on a site west of Lexington along the Versailles Pike owned by noted horseman  J.O. “Jack” Keene, who had begun building a racetrack with several stone structures. Facing income losses during the Depression, Keene agreed to sell around 148 acres, including the track, to the new Keeneland Association in 1935. Construction quickly began on and around the existing structures, and Keeneland hosted its first Fall Meet in 1936.

Nearly 90 years later, Keeneland is a crown jewel of Thoroughbred racing, conducting prestigious racing seasons in April and October, and is the world’s largest Thoroughbred auction house, welcoming horsemen and women from around the world to its five on-site auctions each year. Keeneland now covers 1,234 acres of prime Kentucky Bluegrass and is a National Historic Landmark renowned for its beauty, charm, and timeless traditions.

Founded with a goal to “create a model race track to perpetuate and improve the sport and to provide a course intended to serve as a symbol of the finest traditions of Thoroughbred racing,” Keeneland is a privately held company with a not-for-profit mission. It remains faithful to its founding principles by returning profits to the horse industry in the form of higher prize money for its races; funding equine research, health and safety initiatives for horses and riders as well as Thoroughbred aftercare; and contributing to local charitable and civic organizations through a blend of financial and in-kind sponsorships.

While Keeneland is tradition-bound, it continues to be a leader in the improvement of the sport, and the evolution of Keeneland’s grounds, architecture, and facilities is emblematic of its honoring the past while moving the sport and its legacy forward. Keeneland Library’s exhibit, Of Turf and Stone: Keeneland Through the Ages, explores both the constants and transformations from its founding to today, as Keeneland continues to build for generations to come.

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A Rite of Spring: The 100th Running of the Blue Grass Stakes

Keeneland Association - Blue Grass Stakes trophy presentation at Keeneland for Coaltown, N.L. Pierson down, Trainer Ben Jones, Governor Earle Clements, Warren Wright, 1948.jpg

This virtual gallery is an online companion to A Rite of Spring: The 100th Running of the Blue Grass Stakes, an exhibit curated and hosted by Keeneland Library from April 1 through August 16, 2024.

A Rite of Spring: The 100th Running of the Blue Grass Stakes features photographs that capture race highlights over the decades displayed alongside memorabilia from notable jockeys Bill Shoemaker, Mike Manganello, and Chris Antley, and celebrated runners such as Whirlaway, Riva Ridge, Spectacular Bid, and Strike the Gold. The exhibit’s photographs, curated from Keeneland Library collections and public submissions from professional and amateur photographers, spotlight some of the greatest moments of the time-honored spring stakes.

Named after Kentucky’s picturesque Bluegrass region to showcase its legacy as the breeding ground for exceptional racehorses, the Blue Grass Stakes was inaugurated at the Kentucky Association racetrack in 1911. The track, which stood in what is now Lexington’s East End and operated from 1828 to 1933, hosted the race from 1911 to 1914 and from 1919 to 1926. The Blue Grass was revived at Keeneland during its inaugural 11-day Spring Meet in April 1937.

From the unexpected win by the Earl Sande-trained colt Fencing in 1937 through favored Tapit Trice’s victory in 2023 that secured trainer Todd Pletcher’s fourth win in Keeneland’s spring centerpiece, the Blue Grass Stakes maintains a history of close finishes, upsets, fan favorites, and some of racing’s all-time greats. Among the equine stars who took the stage in the venerable race are one runner who would claim the Triple Crown (Whirlaway), 10 winners who would secure their place in the Racing Hall of Fame, 11 winners who would triumph in the Kentucky Derby, and 55 runners who won Triple Crown races.

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From the Vault: Jockeys

Morgan A60853 - Arcaro at Jamaica 04.13.1948.jpg

These virtual gallery pages mirror the physical exhibit, From the Vault: Jockeys, hosted by the Keeneland Library from March 2019 through September 2019. 

The exhibit's late 19th to mid-20th century photographs from a variety of the library's photograph collections are accessible in the gallery menu on the left or by selecting the next page option (with arrow) in each gallery.

For more information and an expanded view of each photograph, click on the image in the gallery pages. 

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From the Vault: Historic Tracks

Keeneland, Kids on Rail circa 1938.jpg

These virtual gallery pages mirror the physical exhibit, From the Vault: Historic Tracks, hosted by the Keeneland Library from October 2018 through March 2019. 

The exhibit's late 19th to mid-20th century photographs from a variety of the library's photograph collections are accessible in the gallery menu on the left or by selecting the next page option (with arrow) in each gallery.

For more information and an expanded view of each photograph, click on the image in the gallery pages. 

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Life's Work Oral History Project

“The preservation of our industry’s rich history is at the core of our mission at Keeneland. We look forward to continuing our efforts to share the tremendous passion for Thoroughbred racing, which is woven throughout these stories...It is fitting that the Keeneland Library is playing a role in capturing, celebrating and properly preserving the valuable stories of our industry for future generations.”

- Bill Thomason - Keeneland President and CEO  

In 2019 Keeneland launched the Life's Work project to capture, preserve, and promote the treasured stories from some of the Thoroughbred industry's prominent figures. While Keeneland's website showcases the full video interviews, oral histories, and blog posts; Life’s Work was a collaborative effort between Keeneland Library, the University of Kentucky Libraries’ Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, and Thoroughbred Daily News (TDN).

Video and oral interviews from these influential figures in the equine industry showcase their devotion to the Thoroughbred through passion and life's dedication. Conducted by respected journalist Chris McGrath, filmed by Keeneland Broadcast Services, and processed by Keeneland Library, the interviews appeared as monthly feature articles in TDN and as a feature video series in TDN Look

The University of Kentucky Libraries’ Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History maintains, preserves, and provides access to the initiative's interview indexes and videos here

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A Day in the Life: Volume I


These virtual gallery pages mirror the physical exhibit, A Day in the Life: Volume I, hosted by the Keeneland Library from October 2019 through summer 2020. 

Each of the exhibit's turn-of-the 20th century photographs, all from the library's John C. Hemment Collection, are accessible in the gallery menu on the left or by selecting the next page option (with arrow) in each gallery.

For more information and an expanded view of each photograph, click on the image in the gallery pages. 

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Man o' War: In Others' Words

Cook 5702 - Man o' War stripped.jpg

On the morning of March 29, 1917, a brief entry in the daybook at Nursery Stud near Lexington, Kentucky, documented the birth of a colt: “Mahubah foaled chestnut colt by Fair Play. Star, narrow stripe from right of star down center of nose. Height 42, girth 33.”1 A telegram notifying the colt’s breeder, August Belmont II, of his birth was characteristically succinct: “Mahubah foaled fine chestnut colt.”2 Nothing about the routine foaling or unassuming long-legged colt could predict the fame to which he would rise.

In celebration of the 100th anniversary of Man o’ War’s birth, this compilation of photographs is paired with commentary from industry players, both past and present, that has immortalized the legend that is Man o’ War.

Man o’ War: In Others’ Words is a commemoration of Man o’ War revealed through select photographs, monographs, and serials from the Keeneland Library collections. From Turf writers to racing officials and biographers, and from his owners and trainer to his riders and grooms, Man o’ War is here remembered through the work of photographers and the words of many.

1. C. W. Anderson (1943). Big Red. New York: Macmillan Company, p. 4
2. Dorothy Ours (2006). Man o’ War: A Legend Like Lightning. New York: St. Martin’s Press, p. 15

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Photo Treasures from the Keeneland Library

Hemment v.1 1189 - Sheepshead Bay.tif

Photo Treasures from the Keeneland Library showcases a representative sample of the newly organized and expanding digitized collections of photographs and images from the Keeneland Library Collections. Featured photographers include Charles Christian Cook, Bernard Stanley Morgan, Joel Clyne “Skeets” Meadors, and Robert Lee McClure. Images from the New York Sportsman, the Thoroughbred Times, and Keeneland Library photographic albums are also exhibited.

The highlighted collection items cover a broad variety of image subjects. From historic racehorses to jockeys, and from Thoroughbred owners to rare glimpses of early 20th century race tracks, we are pleased to share our growing digitized photographic treasures. Check back to engage with new additions, as we will continue to add items as they become available. 


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The Artistry of Peb


The Artistry of Peb showcases a representative sample of the artwork of Pierre Bellocq, who signs his work as "Peb." Peb worked for The Morning Telegraph and the Daily Racing Form for over 50 years illustrating jockeys, horses, trainers, and owners, as well as specific races, events, and generalized comic cartoons.

Peb placed his collection of approximately 2,500 original works of art including sketches, drawings, comic strips, cartoons, and caricatures of the equine industry at the Keeneland Library in 2009. The collection includes work in pen and ink, watercolor, chalk, acrylic, and pencil on paper or board stock. Select digitized pieces are highlighted in this virtual exhibit.


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