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  • Tags: Jorge Luis Velasquez

Peb's caricature/humorist artwork shows two groups of notable jockeys assembled in ways that disguise them as horses. The featured jockeys include Jeffrey “Jeff” Fell, Cash B. Asmussen, Jorge Luis Velasquez, Darrel G. “D.G.” McHargue, Christopher…

This collage of different pieces of artwork by Peb features multiple independent drawings that depict the shift to including female jockeys in horse racing. The following illustrations are included but also uploaded as independent entites: WJ411,…

Peb's caricature/humorist artwork depicts the records of several leading jockeys with female jockey Mary Jo Smith's record included.

Peb's caricature/humorist artwork depicts Hall of Fame jockey Jorge Luis Velasquez with jockey agent Victor "Vic" Gilardi.

Peb's caricature/humorist artwork depicts Hall of Fame jockey Jorge Luis Velasquez in two illustrations. One shows the jockey mounted while the other features him standing along the apron.

Peb's caricature/humorist artwork depicts Hall of Fame jockey Jorge Luis Velasquez with two lollipops representing New York and New Jersey.

This caricature/humorist artwork by Peb shows Jorge Luis Velasquez putting gloves on along the apron as he prepares for a race.

Peb's artwork depicts jockeys Jeff Fell, Cash Asmussen, Jorge Luis Velasquez, D.G. McHargue, Chris McCarron, Steve Cauthen, Gary Willets, John Letts, Phillippe Paquet, and Sandy Hawley.

Peb's artwork depicts jockeys Desmond Sanford “Sandy” Hawley, Patrick Angel “Pat” Valenzuela, Fernando Toro, Marco A. Castaneda, Russell Avery Baze, William Lee “Shoe” Shoemaker, Jorge Luis Velasquez, Angel Tomas Cordero, Jr., Patrick Alan “Pat” Day,…
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